About Zest-it® Linseed Stand Oil
What is Linseed Stand Oil and how can it be used in Oil Painting? |
Linseed after flowering and before ripe enough to harvest.
Linseed ready to harvest.
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Our Zest-it Linseed Stand Oil is sourced from renewable, managed resources, the Linseed plant offering many products for our use. See Cold Pressed Linseed page for more information about the Linseed plant, what it gives to us and what we have used in for over many years. The name 'Stand Oil' comes from the way it was made. Historically the oil was placed in glass tanks and allowed to 'stand' in sunlight, the UV action caused the oil to polymerise. The process could take years before the required viscosity was obtained, it then it needed filtering and a fining process to clarify the oil. Today the polymerisation is large hermetically sealed vats and is a controlled scientific process. There are many opinions about the speed of drying and yellowing of Stand Oil, I can only speak about our Stand Oil from the tests we have done with it and from our test results under various conditions. The acid value and amount of particulate in the Stand Oil has a bearing on the yellowing of the product in normal use. Our Stand Oil has a very low acid value and is highly filtered, this means it hardly yellows at all over time and is a more neutral product for use with oil paint and allied products. It is also faster drying then most Stand Oils and we don't add 'driers' as this can cause embrittlement of the oil film. Our Linseed Stand Oil has a viscous 'gloopy' consistency and is not usually used in oil painting at this viscosity. Linseed Stand Oil is best diluted with solvent to make a painting medium. It can be diluted with either Zest-it Oil Paint Diluted and Brush Cleaner or Zest-it Citrus Free Solvent, only up to 50% for best results. When diluted down and used as a medium with oil paint, it has a levelling effect on the brush marks, dries to a tough, flexible, glossy film and often stabilises the paint layers. In ambient conditions it is touch dry in 24 to 48 hours depending on the type of oil paint used. A small amount of Damar Varnish can be added, this gives even faster drying and glossier result to a painting medium (see Glazing Medium). In the 'fat over lean' principal, Stand Oil is classed as a fat element and is therefore more in use towards the end of a traditional oil painting. Points to note:- Many oils used in painting can have a drying effect on the hands, best practice - apply a barrier cream before handling. There is a possibility of spontaneous combustion of rags or cloths used to clean up spills of Stand Oil, these should be washed in warm soapy water or placed in a close-able tin containing water. Spills can also constitute a slippage hazard, these should be wiped up immediately. Our Clear Painting Medium and Lean Painting Mediums are ideal for Glazing and fine detail, smoothing out the brush marks to an enamel finish, for under-painting and wet-on-wet oil painting. Copyright© Jacqui Blackman 2010 Available sizes - 125 ml; 250 ml; 500 ml and 1 Litre
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