The original page has been archived. View the original 'about Zest-it' on the archived page and for a little of the history of Zest-it, see Zest-it history. What is Zest-it Oil Paint Dilutant and Brush Cleaner? The simple answer is, it's a more environmentally friendly, non-flammable, pleasant to use, biodegradable alternative to 'turps' and white spirit, made using the zest of citrus fruit for cleaning brushes and thinning paint, a much safer solvent for studio use. This can be said about Zest-it Oil Paint Dilutant and Brush Cleaner (because these words are taken from the Safety Data Sheet) it is a solvent primarily for use by oil painters. It is made from an Aliphatic Hydrocarbon and pure food grade Citrus Oil. It has a neutral pH value and contains no CFC's or Aromatics and has low VOC's. It is a clear, colourless liquid which has a pleasant 'orangey citrus' smell, is inherently biodegradable and evaporates without leaving any residue. Independent laboratory tests show it has no detrimental effect to the oil paint or pigment quality, proven stability and a long active life.
For Zest-it brush cleaning instructions use this link. Zest-it dissolves Gum Damar crystals to make Damar Varnish. Pencil Blend for blending of coloured pencils, tested pencils can be fond on this detailed page. You will also find links here to other pages using Pencil and Parchment Blend with different types of pencils. Zest-it ® and the Logo are a Registered Trademark of J. & T. Blackman Ltd
For a list of UK Retail Stockist by area or Retailers by County and where you can purchase on-line. Contact Email: support at zest-it dot com or Tel: 01162341001
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The information contained herein is the Intellectual Property of Jacqui Blackman and
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Zest-it ® and its logo are Registered Trademarks.
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