zest-it logo Zest-it Cold Wax Additions - Fine Sand zest-it logo

About Zest-it® Cold Wax Additions - Fine Sand

Zest-it® Fine Sand is an excellent addition to Cold Wax to give
texture and more substance to the wax and oil mix.

fine sand

300 gm Zest-it Fine Sand

scoop of fine sand

Fine Sand as it comes
 from the pot.


Our Fine Sand is a product of the UK, it is clean and dry, suitable for adding to Cold Wax to give a gritty surface.

 When mixed with Cold Wax, it gives extra substance to the wax and allows for a more textured surface, giving a lot of tooth. It can also be added as a dry addition to the painting by pressing it into the surface, this also gives extra texture to the work.

It has a gritty feel when added to Gesso or PVA glue to give extra 'grip' for painting with wax. Makes an excellent surface for Oil Pastel artists when applied to paper with either Gelatine, Gesso or PVA, gives a good surface with a 'sandpaper tooth'.

Like the Marble Dust it is basically an inert (chemically inactive) substance and has been in use for 100's of years.

How much do you add?
Can be very drying to an wax/oil mixture, if too much is added the wax/oil will be not hold together, often better used as a dry addition to the surface, as opposed to ;mixed in'.
You will need to make your own decision according to your own requirements for the work which is the best way for you.

It is classed as a Non-Hazardous product, however, do be aware that it is a dusty material. It goes without saying - Always wash hands with soap and water after using any type of art product.

Sizes available -  300 gm ; 600 gm; 1.5 Kg

Please visit our Wax focused site at www.artywax.co.uk for more information on using Wax Painting Mediums and our ArtywaxShop .

We also have a Marble Dust ; Limestone Dust ; Sand; Slate Dust

Copyright© Jacqui Blackman 2019

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