Zest-it® Blending Sponge

Allows control of the amount of fluid. 
Blended coloured pencil.

Product Safety Information for
Zest-it Blending Sponge
The fine grain sponge holds 15 ml of Zest-it Pencil Blend. When you press your brush, paper stump or tortillion onto the surface it soaks up Zest-it liquid and you therefore control how much liquid is taken up.
The amount of pressure and the length of time on the sponge gives you more control over the amount you use.
This is important for those people working on small projects like greeting cards where too much liquid could spoil the design.
Dipping-in is another way of wetting the blending tools, this often gives less than satisfactory results. This method usually floods the surface with too much fluid.
To blend Coloured Pencils using Tortillion or stump.
Press the Tortillion, paper-stump or cotton bud gently on to the surface of the damp sponge, test the amount on a scrap piece, also test with the different pencils.
Use the dampened tip to blend the applied coloured pencil, wipe clean on kitchen towel.
To blend the coloured pencil using a brush.
Press the brush onto the sponge surface and a small amount will be taken up by the brush.
Using brush strokes in the same direction as the pencil was applied, blends the coloured pencil.
To read more about applying pencil to Parchment have a look at this page.
It's better to work small area's at a time, have a cloth or kitchen towel handy to wipe the tip of the brush, this also keeps the work smooth and the brush clean, which in turn keeps the sponge cleaner.
Tortillions, blending stumps and cotton buds work extremely well.
More pencil can be added whilst the paper is still damp, because the paper is now softer, work with very gentle pressure and then blend again.
Dampened colour will usually be darkened with the fluid but return to its normal colour as it dries.
Zest-it leaves no residue of itself on the work and has proven pigment stability.
Copyright© Jacqui Blackman 2005