DISCLAIMER:Repackaged and Copy-cat Zest-it Products June 2020 J and T Blackman Ltd t/a Zest-it have been informed of some unscrupulous conduct by businesses and individuals offering copy-cat and/or repackaged/replacement Zest-it products.
We have been made aware of Zest-it products being offered for sale on websites, on Ebay and on workshops but the customers received a look-alike product not that offered or advertised. This has happened with the 'Zest-it Oil Paint Dilutant and Brush Cleaner', the 'Zest-it Pencil Blend' and the 'Zest-it Cold Wax Painting Medium'. Please take care when purchasing Zest-it products, be discriminating, especially during these unprecedented times. Buy through a recognised and reliable Retailer website, not from where goods may be copy-cat and/or packaged improperly. Those who persist in this malpractice, not only break the 'Law of Passing Off', they also deceive and endanger the public.
If as a customer, this has happened to you and you would like to redress the situation, please contact your local Trading Standards Office who have the power to stop this breach of regulations.
 Law of Passing Off
The Law of Passing Off is in place to prevent a trader/company/person from misrepresenting/mimicking goods or services as being the goods or services of another person/trader/company.
Or, in more legal wording ...is a form of intellectual property enforcement against the unauthorised use of 'get-up' or 'trade-dress' (the whole external appearance or look-and-feel of a product, including any mark, wording or indicia used) which is considered to be similar to that of another party's product, including any registered or unregistered trademarks. Back to Brush Cleaner Back to Solvent |